Comic series & Animation series. Set in the dieselpunk city of Metropoius, the only way for a P.I. to protect his city from the police state is to join the criminal underworld. Facebook link Website Writer: Ally Burnham Director: Dan Macarthur Producer: Mel Poole 2020 18 Degrees Entertainment |
Our comic is out now! Visit the Metropius websites for updates on Issue #1 of 'Forgotten Rose'.
Ally is the lead writer on the multi-media franchise, Metropius, by 18 Degrees. Watch the full short film above: Ally Burnham's screenplay for this short film won the 2022 AWGIE award for most outstanding animation. In 2019, the animation received POC from Screen Queensland under the development title, AcropolisWorld. In 2021, the franchise recieved further funding from Epic Games Epic Megagrants to expand into comic books, an AR experience and a mobile game. |